Monday, March 17, 2008

The Goan Files : Part 1 : The journey begins

So well...this is the journey to Goa through my eyes. Please note that the entire journey is portrayed through my eyes and is my rendering only, with some inputs if need be from karthik, prabu, praneet or ankit.

Moving on, please do not complain if you do not like certain parts or the entire rendering of the journey we all took together. It is my blog after all !!


Well, it was a warm and humid Monday night on the 10th of March and we were undertaking a life changing journey the next day. No one knew that during the entire trip we took together we would see new things, experience new sights and sounds, have loads of fun and some fights too thrown in here and there. We had our agreements and our differences, but in the end it all turned out well and we all made it through the trip in one piece with loads of memories and still more pictures which i would put in this blog as the chapters progress.

So, bringing you back to the Monday evening, we were supposed to catch a train the next day at 7 o' clock in the morning. Not that it is a problem for me, but from what i heard many were acting grumpy and dissing the Indian Railways for not having better trains at better times at even lower prices than those existing. So well, me having spent the whole day at MGM Dizzee World, which is actually so shitty now that people have completely abandoned the place and go to VGP instead, i was supposed to be excited and all worked up as we were actually going to Goa of all places. Getting the permission for the trip could fill another blog, but we would leave that for later. Sadly though, hours of traipsing through an empty MGM amusement park had sapped quite a lot of energy and i was dead tired and was just about falling asleep when i was jarred awake by a SMS.

Sender : Pradeep
Message : Be at Chennai Central by 6:45 a.m. definitely. Coach D7. And the others are asking you to bring your bat.

My reply was :

Sender : Kshitij
Message : Really. No chance.


Getting this done, i put an alarm for 5 a.m and went to sleep at 12 midnight. Normally i am a 10 to 6 type of guy but well the excitement finally caught up with us ( ask praneet later) and 5 hours of sleep felt just about enough. After some hectic last minute preparation and being on the recieving end of some seriously heavy duty advice from my parents and my grandfather, i was finally ready to push off and push off i did at around 6:15.

On the way out ticket holder, Praneet, messages me and asks me which platform the train was coming as he had not even started and this info would help him cover some more ground. Sadly though i hadnt reached and i left him to his own devices for the moment. At the station, i looked up the info and relayed it to Praneet and set about finding other guys when i saw someone who looked like Archit. Remembering that he was not coming, i moved closer just to fin that he was some " vetti " guy who looked ike him. Turning back with diappointment, i see Easwaran walking past and calling out to him, we both went and met the rest of the people present - Ankit, Karthik, Easwaran, Hemanth and me. The 5 of us then moved on to find our compartment and on finally locating it moved on to look at the seat allocation when a familiar voice shouts out "Mr. Ankit B. Patel". For those of you who don't know who calls him that, it is our very own "MGR", Mr. Colour-Colour Krishnamurthy himself. Sitting on his allocated seat Mr Colour Colour had made it to the station by 6:15 itself, 1 hour before the train was scheduled to leave, and had occupied his seat for fear of losing it to someone else. About to enter the compartment, we spot Pradeep, Mahesh, Avinash and Arun making it towards us and decide to wait it out for them. Meeting up, we all kept our luggage inside and come back out on the platform to spot Mr. M and Jagadeesh weaving through the crowds towards us. On their tail was our hero Prabu along with his dad. As Prabu introduces us to his Dad, Gopi walks past shouting curses at Mr Flood, Gopalakrishnan, as he had still not reached the station and it was 7:05. By 7:10 almost everyone was there, including Hanumanth, Praneet, Ashwath, Guruswamy, Ela and all the others whose names i have forgotten to take.

7:13 and still no sign of Gopalakrishnan ( i'll call him Gops from now on), when after some hectic phone calls, word finally reaches that he has reached Park Station and would be there in 5 minutes. Sensing danger, it seems like Gops started running full pelt towards teh station and made it just in time to jump in and for the train to start.

Quite an auspicious beginning many may call it, but well, we had our share of thrills and chills, dangers and safety, and we come out of it all with a lot of knowledge about the world outside the state of Tamil Nadu.

The journey had begun. the rest is yet to come.

Stick around with me for the rest of the journey. I promise it would be someting you would loath to miss.

Till then,

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